ACC Requests
An ACC Request is a request to make changes to the exterior of your home or yard. ACC stands for Architectural Covenant Changes. The committee that oversees the approval of the request are called Architectural Control Committee (ACC) or Architectural Review Committee (ARC).
Almost every HOA require approval to make exterior changes on your home or yard to make sure the changes will follow the association guidelines. To be on the safe side, don’t change anything on the outside of your home or property without receiving approval because it could lead to a fine or you having to remove the changes.
What Is An Exterior Change?
A few examples of an exterior change include: house color, major landscaping changes, roof color, fences, tree removal, etc.
Its Always Better To Follow The Rules
Some associations have certain guidelines and forms that must be completed before an exterior change can be approved. To ensure that you are using the appropriate form, please log in to your homeowner account and use the ACC Request form provided. If you do not have an account please register here.
Every homeowner must recognize that the purpose of architectural control is not to restrict the improvement of one’s property. It is, however, necessary to ensure that exterior architectural changes are accomplished in the community within certian guidelines that protects all homeowner’s property rights and values. Although architectural control is enforceable by law, its success is determined by the spirit of voluntary cooperation by each and every homeowner to ensure that your community will always be a desirable place to live.
Quote Of The Day:
If I had more time, I'd watch more woodworking or home-improvement shows, but, not enough hours in the day.