A Frequently Asked Question.
Management Company
Our position and authority is often misunderstood which can often lead to confusion and frustration for homeowners. Your association is governed by its own set of documents known as Covenants and Bylaws. These documents create the rules; however, your community also has a board of directors. These volunteers are homeowners, just like you, and are elected by the community to represent the total population of your neighborhood. Many people do not understand that all the important decisions are made by the board of directors, not the management company. The board of directors in turn is guided by the governing documents. To fully understand what we do, along with the responsibilities your board is obligated to fulfill when they agree to hold a particular position, it is a good idea to review the FAQs and documents sections of this website.
The day-to-day activities of most associations, such as collection of dues and payment of bills, are so detailed and involved that they go far beyond the time and attention most volunteers can provide. In addition, most boards understand that their knowledge of property management is limited and seek an advisor with more expertise and experience. Finally, the introduction of the management company allows a third party to tend to the issues that would otherwise involve one neighbor confronting another on potentially contentious issues, reducing the ability for the well-intentioned board members to enjoy their homes. Some associations select a financials-only package and other have full service contract with an on-site managers and management technicians. Every service level in between is also available so agreements do tend to be customized.
Although our role does require us to send letters regarding violations and process files that are delinquent on board direction, the ultimate goal of our work is truly to protect and enhance the value of your investment! We strive to be viewed as a partner not only with the board of directors, but with the homeowners as well. Strong management, grounded in transparency and best practices, normally results in a community that is financially sound and residents who enjoy a better quality of life with a well maintained and thriving property.